The Kenyan government has abducted several young people protesting the high taxation proposed in the Finance Bill, 2024.

The youthful Kenyans began by voicing their discontent on social media before taking to the streets in thousands, peacefully urging their MPs to reject, not amend, the bill.

In response to the growing dissent, the regime used force, shooting and firing tear gas canisters at protesters, resulting in the deaths of Rex Masai, 29, and Evans Kiratu, 21.

KHRC is calling for a swift investigation into these killings and insists that those responsible must be held accountable.

Additionally, the regime has started abducting youth they believe are particularly vocal critics of over-taxation, including Billy Simani, Austin Omondi, Lesley Muturi, and, more recently, Shadrack Kiprono.

These abductions, mostly occurring at night, are conducted by police officers in civilian clothes and unmarked cars. KHRC demands the unconditional release of all abductees.

These abductions are intended to intimidate protesters planning to attend future peaceful demonstrations aimed at pressuring MPs to reject the bill.

KHRC urges all protesters to remain undeterred and exercise their constitutional rights. We stand by their efforts to protect their rights and the nation's interests. This serves as a reminder of the role of youth-led resistance in the country's history, from colonial to post-independence.

Internet shutdown

Separately, we have learned that this regime plans to shut down the internet tomorrow to stifle the protest. This desperate move highlights the powerful impact of the current protests and should galvanize the youth to intensify their demands.

KHRC sternly warns the government that shutting down the internet would be a blatant violation of freedom of expression, media independence, and access to information. The regime should not attempt this.

Kenyan MPs must reject the bill entirely, as it will increase taxes on various fronts and worsen the cost of living.

Aluta continua. May justice be our shield and defender. Show up tomorrow to defend your future.
