Kenya's apex court today reaffirmed that the National Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission (NGLHRC) has the registration right.

Ten years ago, Kenya's NGO coordination board refused to register NGLHRC, falsely claiming they "promoted same-sex conduct."

But in February this year, the Supreme Court said the board was wrong to stop NGLHRC's registration, allowing formal organization recognition.

The opponents of the ruling filed for review of the court's judgment. The judges issued their verdict today, reaffirming what we all know: The right to association and freedom from discrimination cannot be restricted.

Everyone's rights must be honored no matter who they are or who they love.

The NGO board was wrong all those years and will remain so.

While we celebrate this victory, the journey towards a truly inclusive society is far from over. LGBTQI+ individuals still confront violence and discrimination, serving as a stark reminder that the fight for equality endures.

The Kenya Human Rights Commission (KHRC) will not stop defending everyone's rights, regardless of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

We will keep pushing until LGBTQI+ persons can enjoy all their rights, free from discrimination and violence.