We are facing a crisis - our children's education is crumbling right before us, and it is happening fast.

President William Ruto's administration has perpetuated the trend of neglecting public education, following in the footsteps of previous regimes. Under Ruto’s watch, public education has deteriorated further.

Ezekiel Machogu, the Education CS Ruto appointed, is not the right person for the job. He is driving our education sector into the ground.

The situation could worsen with widespread irregularities in national examination results, inadequate school infrastructure, protesting Junior Secondary School (JSS) teachers, withheld capitation fees, and indecisiveness in communicating when the second term should resume due to floods.

Machogu should not face the consequences of this mess alone. The fish rots from the head—and we know who the boss is, Ruto.

The Elimu Bora Working Group (EBWG) now demands the following to save the future of our children:

  1. Machogu must resign immediately.
  2. The government must allocate resources to fix flood damage to schools, ensuring our children's safety and allowing them to resume learning.
  3. The Ministry of Education must immediately release all the capitation money it owes to schools, allowing them to operate optimally.
  4. JSS intern teachers must be employed permanently and given pensions, as ordered by the court, to avert a looming strike. Parliament must allocate funds for this.

President Ruto, if you can't lead Kenya effectively, step down.