On January 3, 2024, an LGBTQ activist in Uganda, Steven Kabuye, was stabbed by two assailants. Kabuye had reported receiving death threats.

We condemn this violence. Our support for Kabuye and the work of all LGBTQ activists in Uganda is unwavering.

The attack on Kabuye goes against human rights. Every person deserves respect, dignity, and safety, no matter their gender identity or sexual orientation. This is non-negotiable. We cannot compromise on protecting the rights and freedoms of each individual.

Repeal Anti-Homosexuality Act 

The attack is a stark manifestation of the appalling consequences spurred by the Anti-Homosexuality Act enacted by President Museveni in May 2023. This regressive legislation has fanned the flames of hate and intolerance against LGBTQ persons.

The law has catalyzed increased persecution and exacerbated the vulnerability of individuals within the LGBTQ community, especially those on the frontlines advocating for equality and justice. Now, anti-LGBTQ attacks are more frequent than ever before.

It is essential to recognize the direct correlation between discriminatory legislation and the surge in hate-driven incidents against LGBTQ individuals and activists. The Anti-Homosexuality Act has fostered an atmosphere of fear and discrimination.

We vehemently oppose such oppressive laws and stand in support of the rights and dignity of every individual, irrespective of their sexual orientation or gender identity. We underscore the urgency of repealing the Anti-Homosexuality Act in Uganda. It will show that Uganda stands for equality, human rights, and justice for all its citizens.

We hope for prompt action to bring the attackers of Kabuye to justice. Authorities should handle this seriously, conducting a thorough investigation to identify and prosecute the culprits to the fullest extent of the law.



Defenders Coalition




Kawangware Paralegal Trust

National Students Cauvus-Kenya

Usalama Reforms and Democracy Without Borders—Kenya

  • CSOs

    Dedicated Human Rights advocate with a passion for justice and equality. Extensive experience in civil society organizations (CSOs) promoting and protecting human rights globally.